Tuesday 8 April 2008


This is one of my favorite photos. I took this photo in St. Marks Square in Venice, Italy looking out at the water. The sun was shining, which made the water look incredibly blue. I've never seen a prettier landscape than I had when I took this photo.

The Duomo

I took this photo of the Duomo in Milan, Italy. This church was so gorgeous and I could not believe all the intricate work that was done on the top to create this structure.

I Love Britain

I took this photo on a boat cruise through Loch Ness in the Scotland Highland tours. I thought that the Britain flag blowing in the wind off the back of the boat made for a neat snap shot.

Wedding Day in Milan

I took this photo outside the Duomo in Milan, Italy. This bride and groom, surrounded by hundreds of people and pigeons in the city centre, were getting their wedding photos done while holding the birds. Something I would not do in my wedding dress, but I thought that they looked as though they were having so much fun.

Hamish the Bull

I took this photo in the Scotland Highlands of Hamish the Bull. He is fenced in next to a top tourist stop. Our tour guide said Hamish loves to get his picture taken so I took a shot of him for my wildlife photo.

The Sparkling Tower

I took this night shot at the Eiffel Tower in Paris. At the beginning of every hour the tower starts flashing white lights so that it looks as though it is sparkling. This was a gorgeous site and something I will remember forever.

Wine in Venice

I took this photo of my first real glass of Italian wine. Five of us girls sat by the Rialto bridge in Venice sipping our wine and enjoying a gorgeous sunny day. I thought the sun shining on the glass, illuminating different colors in the wine made for a neat photo.

Puddle Jumping

I took this photo of a young girl jumping in water puddles at the Alnwick Garden. She was so cute that people were crowded around watching and taking pictures. I loved the action shot of her playing in the water with the water pouring down over her head.

Tower of Coffee Cups

I took this photo in Milan, Italy. There was a tower of coffee cups with a kettle on top right in the middle of a square of buildings. There was no sign so we didn't know what it was meant for, but the structure of it was so neat, especially looking at it from a lower angle.

The Duchess's View

I took this photo in the Alnwick Garden when we went as a group to the Duchess's View Point. I thought the scenery from this point was fun to see, considering we got to see the pasture and a view of the castle from a different angle.